Building on the Beach! :)

On the first day of term, the first and second years collaborate on a joint project at Tentmuir Beach. At the beach the years are split into groups of two first years and two second years, and are asked to build a shelter on the site with anything they could find on site. It was a great team building exercise and a good way to integrate the first years into architecture life.

The group I was in found a spot on the beach close to the water to build our shelter. We chose this site because it was sheltered from the strong winds by a sand dune and the view it had on the sea. To create an element of privacy to our shelter we added branches and logs around the area: to mark our territory as such. This created an environment within the shelter that felt more secluded from the rest of the beach but still provided view of the sea. Within the shelter we arranged logs to be used as seating to make the internal space more comfortable to utilise.

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