Probably the most Unexciting Project Ever :|

At the beginning of semester two, the whole year was roped into doing a collaborative project with some of the 5th years. At first, I thought this was a great idea, and was lookng forward to learning some tips from the older and wiser.

This was not quite the case.

The project was a week long study of our bedroom(yawwwwnnn). I was not really too motivated towards the project, but sometimes you just gotta do what you got to do.

The start of the project was not anything overly stimulating...just drawings of our bedroom in plan. First from memory, then from actual measurements from the room. 

It was not until later in the week when we make models of our room that I felt like I actually learned something that I didnt alwready know...models can be used to make very realistic looking photographs. I was amazed by how epic some of the photographs looked. I tried something new and made my model from plastercine, which to be honest only gave the image a "Wallace and Gromit" feel. It is always good to try something new though...maybe just not plastercine modelling of architecture. Unless you can handle something so aggrevating!

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